Multiple Types of Membership to Suit Everyone!
AABHL understands that everyone is different and so offers many membership types to suit your particular situation.
If you are an academic, student or retired you can sign up as an individual.
If you are part of an institutional faculty, you can take out an institution membership so that your colleagues can take advantage of membership in AABHL as well!

Individual Membership
Journal – AABHL members receive subscription to the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry (JBI), an international, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal co-sponsored by the AABHL.
Conference – AABHL members receive special conference rates to attend the annual AABHL conference which attracts national and international experts in bioethics and provides a great opportunity for members to present their work and discuss their ideas with others engaged in the field of bioethics.
Workshops – AABHL members receive special rates to attend workshops convened periodically on new and emerging topics.
Tweets – AABHL shares information about current events and opinion commensurate with its interests via Tweets (@AABHL).
Networking – AABHL members are provided with the opportunity to collaborate with similarly interested professionals and with other bioethics organisations. Membership to the AABHL provides a focus for those with interest or expertise in specific areas of bioethics to develop educational and resource collaborations.
Streams – AABHL members are provided with the opportunity to join special interest groups known as STREAMS.
Student members – The AABHL provides special membership and conference rates for students and offers two prizes for a outstanding student essays presented at AABHL conferences.
Resources via the Website – The AABHL website provides access to other AABHL members, notices of important upcoming events and links to other important bioethics sites and resources locally and internationally. We are currently developing a ‘Members Only’ Resource on the website, that will be accessible only to current members. This may include conference slide presentations, with permission of the authors.
Individual (1 year)
Individual (2 years)
Student (full-time)
Concession (unwaged)
all applications for the ‘unwaged’ category must be subject to approval by the Executive. Applicants are asked to email the membership officer [email protected] advising whether they wish to be considered under the following;
- Minimally waged e.g. clergy, retired or semi-retired on low income, part-time employees on low income
- Pensioners and people on welfare benefits
- People unemployed for > 3 months
Institution Membership
Institutional Membership provides one hard copy per issue of the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry; the JBI will be sent to the one contact person for the institute; electronic copies will be available to Members using the contact person’s username and password; the contact person will be responsible for disseminating email messages sent from time to time to the contact person from AABHL; Members covered under Institutional Membership are eligible to discounted registration rates at conferences, have voting privileges, and may nominate for positions on the Committee and as Stream Leaders.
1-5 members
6-10 members
11-20 members
1-5 members
6-10 members
unlimited members